Attending the Festival Of The Arts is an annual tradition. Darling Husband first took me there on my birthday when we were dating. We've gone each year since then. It's special, and a treat that makes me smile when I think of it.
This year I wasn't looking at paintings or photos. I wanted to "see" things I could touch. I'm done purchasing artwork for the walls of our home. Now, it's textures, items with unusual feels to them. Seeing art just doesn't work for me anymore, it's pretty much a closed chapter. Wood, glass, metals and stone now appeal to me, as do textiles. Missing sight bugged me a lot at the festival. Touching things, listening to the many performers, being in the warm greenhouse with the incredible plants, sipping an icy cold soda are helping me to adjust to seeing less and less as the days pass. My other senses are compensating somewhat for the lack of vision.
This morning I'm watching Ferris Bueller, and laughing, truly enjoying myself. That movie shows how to really enjoy opportunities like an unexpected gift of time. The dog and cat are curled up on the sofa with me. How they can sleep is just beyond me, they take napping to a fine art. Each one stretched full length, feet twitching with dreams of adventures and soft woofs and purrs. They are each one the picture of contentment.
Today promises to be delightful. A lovely, warm and sunny day. The house is clean, laundry done, meals prepared needing only nuking to serve. A day made for enjoyment. Perhaps, I'll have the computer read to me for awhile, plant some elephant ears and caladiums. Maybe go for a ride, blast some tunes and straighten the garage, sorting more items for my youngest child's new apartment. Cleaning up the patio, planting vines in the huge pots and changing out the pillows on the patio furniture. Actually, I could do all of it. Who knows?
Two old friends from different parts and eras life contacted me over the past 24 hours. My heart is filled, happy and joyful. It's amazing, the way that lives and souls connect and meet and touch each other over a lifetime. Some things, a word spoken at the right time, a hug, a favor given without thought of payback, even a smile at a stranger make a universe change for people. You never can miss by being kind.
Enough for now.