Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Horizontal Day

Tired of all medicines, of being dizzy and nauseated, of being without the levels of energy I know I have without the RX roller coaster. You know, I wouldn't mind the dizziness if it was anything like the 70's type of "dizziness", but NO, I just get the lay on the floor and want to die kind of dizzy. The only good thing about being on the floor while the world spins is enjoying the new carpet.

Woke up at 6:14 to a neighbor firing up his motorcycle. If it took him 10 minutes for it to warm up in 60 degree temps, just imagine the hour or two it will take when we're in the 20's and 30's?!!

There is a lot I want and need to get done today. A pile of tools are in the garage needing to be put away. The guest apartment is overdue for it's weekly dusting. And, oh joy, the cat box needs scooping. There are also cupboards to go through, clothes to put together into outfits so I can find things easier. I need a better way to store purses and hats, etc.

Fortunately there is no place I must go today, I can clean around the house and rest. Note to self, gotta get better, there's way too much resting going on without feeling rested. If I could go for 24 hours without the vertigo I'd be much more content. Someday I'm going to find that the back of my head is flat from all of the time spent on the floor while the world spins around me.

Feeling somewhat better since writing the above almost 8 hours ago. Still keeping to the floor for the most part and hoping for a more vertical day tomorrow. 

Will soak in the tub tonight with my Disney Princess bubble bath, just 'cause I can. Still working on having that happy childhood, and yes, I like to play and do girly things like mountains of bubbles. Too many years of quick showers make soaking in the tub so enjoyable and relaxing, and I appreciate just relaxing with a glass of tea, a book or the iPad, candles and soft music playing. The children are grown and gone so no one will beat on the door and interrupt a very pleasant hour.

Goodnight all....

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