Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ongoing life

On the loveseat, curled up with Demeter. Apparently her dreams are exciting ones. Her feet are twitching to beat the band, she's also making funny growls. 

Passenger is playing on the radio. Happy coincidence, I ordered one of their CDs earlier this evening. I'm looking forward to hearing more of their music.

Another brother-in-law came over this evening. I last saw him at thanksgiving. He's a real sweetheart. I mentioned that there was a dining table on my wish list. Within seconds he was on the phone arranging to have a spare one that he has in storage delivered. We had a great visit. we've been relatives since 1989. Long time as family, just as long as friends. I've been blessed with some amazing people who have become part of my life.

Speaking of, ran into an old friend earlier today when I was out. We were delighted to discover that we live across the street from each other. I love that about small towns, you find friends everywhere.

Got a number of things crossed off my list. Picked up a couple of boudoir lamps for the bedroom. Bought drapery rods, drapes, and a welcome mat for the front door. Put Garfunkel in the spare fishbowl so I can wash his big one. Stopped at the library and renewed my library card. I was still on file. After four years.... Grabbed a couple of their audiobooks. Checked my lottery numbers, doggone it. Took a lovely nap snuggled with Demeter. Ate the rest of the baba Ghanouj, sharing with my beastie. 

Tonight, I'm enjoying my home. I'm putting the list of things I should be and need to be doing on hold for the night. I have a box of good chocolate, and am ignoring the calorie count. I'm listening to a little radio station out of Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

I've been busting my butt for months, and am ready for a break. Friends are traveling to Florida for the month of April. They want another person to go. I'm tempted, seriously. We used to go to a lake house one of them had during the 80's. We'd travel there for a week or more at a time. We had a lot of fun together. 

The center of the dining room is procrastination central. It's piles of paperwork, new files and file folders. I'm waiting for bad weather to hit so I'm stuck inside and have to tackle it. Same for the toolbox and baskets of tools to put away. In February, indoor chores are ignored when it's nice enough to go outside. 

Backhanded a door frame while mopping. White walls, trim, floor, appliances, and cabinets are too much white. My lack of sight needs contrasting colors in order to function. Even in daylight, I have to reach to find door frames and cabinets. It all blends into one mass. The Mudroom and Laundry rooms open off the kitchen. They're all white also. I've got to decorate them with some pops of color so I can use things as landmarks. 

The dining room table is here. I had to laugh when I saw it. Other than the top being a different wood, it's identical to the one on my amazon wish list.

Don't think it's broken. I can move it. The bruising and swelling goes from the wrist to the second knuckles, front and back of the hand.

The plumbing decided to back up this morning. Turned out it was tree roots, a lot of them. Thank goodness for having landlords who take care of things quickly. Still have one bath sheet to wash. It took all of them to mop up the main mess. One pair of shoes in the trash from walking in it while cleaning it all up. Mopping the bathroom was on today's list, but not like that.

Another brother-in-law came over. We ate pizza, drank coffee and talked for over four hours. He raided my movie collection, and then called to find out what I wanted to borrow from his collection. He also brought me half a dozen movies just to get me started.

Word that I'm back without a spouse has gotten around town. I'm getting hit on already. Sheesh. I'm not ready to date, or even take a playmate. Guys move quickly around here on unattached females. I just say I'm not ready right now, and they're taking it fairly well.

My only visitors are family members or female friends. Perhaps I'm old fashioned about how things look. Especially while I'm still married. I could not honor my vows or myself if I was parading men around. 

Now, on the other hand, I live the way I want to behind closed doors. I listen to corny tv shows when I'm on the treadmill. I love soaking in the tub until I'm pruny. Sometimes I order and eat dessert first. I do things like order a cinnamon tree, because I just want to grow one. I love to entertain, but seldom do it. I keep a basket of kaleidoscopes, and allow young visitors to choose one to take home. I remember what fun they are.

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