Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Current things.....

Good day overall. Got a few things done, errands run, prescriptions refilled, found some DVDs for three dollars each. Mazzios delivered dinner.

I chased cobwebs with my broom. I have no idea if I got any, or even if I had any. But it felt good to sweep every corner of the ceilings.

Demeter and I have gotten out and walked. The weather is improving daily, and my pain levels are low.

My brother-in-law pestered me until I purchased a heated mattress pad. I'm so glad he did. Sleeping much better and awakening feeling rested is lovely. Sometimes I get great advice, and at times, I even follow it.

Tomorrow, I plan to get my hair done. The last hairdresser left most of the dye in my hair. When I washed it, it took a long time to get it off. The water ran dark brown in the sink for a long time. My scalp has been raw, itching and peeling from that for several weeks. It's finally healed, and I'm going to a new hairdresser to get rid of this cheap wig type color that was done. There are about a dozen hairdressers in town. One is now scratched off the list. Hopefully, I can find a good one. 

My gladiolas and hyacinths are up. I need to weed and get the rest of the seeds planted in the front garden. 

The seeds in the starter boxes have done nothing in the couple of weeks since they were planted. I'm impatient with them, anxious to see them sprout. Nine are Bird of Paradise, three different varieties. They take awhile to sprout and grow.

I have a huge pot in the Mudroom. At the moment, I'm thinking of planting the Cinnamon Tree and the Key Lime Tree in there. They require temps above freezing, so they must be potted. They're of a similar size, and I'm hoping that they do well together.

Started reading a history of Byzantium this week. Really dry, nothing but battles. Boring, boring, boring... I've downloaded a few more books on the subject, and am hoping to find those more interesting.

I wish writers would include more details than who slew whom. I want to know what the people were like, how they lived, worked, shopped, dressed. I want to know how they thought of themselves and how they related to others. I want to know what they learned, what interested them, what they were passionate about, and why.

The left eye has lights flashing in it a lot more recently. Sort of like being on a stage with cameras flashing at me, is the only way I can think to describe it. Very distracting, but just another part of the ongoing battle my immune system is waging against me. It's hitting me where I am the most vulnerable. Being an extremely visual person, had I the choice, would have gladly given up any other sense rather than sight. 

My small home library of favorite books; reference, fiction, hobbies, most loved art, children's books will be kept. Same with my basket of kaleidoscopes, they are a symbol of hope to me. They're there awaiting the day that a cure is found, and I can read them again. 

Enough for now......

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