Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Great Week!

The last week has flown by. It seems like a huge whirlwind of activity punctuated by several naps and I feel great!

My neighbor and I went shopping for new lingerie the other day. We spent hours cruising JC Penneys, J Jill, and Chicos followed by a trip to Starbucks which is how we tend to wrap up our outings. I got a dozen pairs of new lace panties, a couple of really nice bras, new sunglasses (hey, blind chicks need new eye bling from time to time), and a hat. Not a bad haul.

Went out to eat with my youngest last Friday. We spent a lot of time just laughing and talking. He's a great guy, and I'm glad he's settled nearby. We don't see each other more often than once every few weeks. I'm getting used to that, and it's okay.

The Friends of the Library Sale was last weekend. I spent a couple of happy hours wandering with my magnifying glass and found a few gems to bring home.

Saturday night was the Philharmonic showcasing the music of Cole Porter. We got to dress up and have a lovely night out. The music was beautiful and the singers truly talented. Many thanks to our friend who passed the tickets on to us, and please get well soon.

Darling Husband brought home a bouquet of StarGazer Lillies and Roses yesterday. He spoils me so, and I enjoy every moment of it. The entire house smells of them. I'm still surprised and delighted when he brings them to me, it's such a treat.

Tackling Mom's paperwork continues. I need to have copies made of the photos for relatives, and return letters to family members who regularly wrote to her. I found a card Mom had written to my sister and had not had a chance to send. That will definitely be mailed out to her.

The snowstorm circled us, and we received no bad weather here. That was a relief. The news shows power outages, closed roads, and roof collapses. I'm very thankful that we remained safe and warm.

More Braille lessons have arrived, and I look forward to finishing the ones I'm studying and moving onto the next ones. My first real Braille book is also here waiting for me to read it once I get further along with grade 2 Braille. It's proving much easier to learn than I had thought it would be.

Getting back to normal feels great. I'm sleeping better and have more energy. I'm still only dizzy when I turn left or when things move quickly in front of me. The vertigo is still gone, and the ringing in my ears comes and goes instead of being a 24 hour screaming mosquito. If only the eyes would get better..... I can live with the other improvements and rejoice with each one. 

I think I found what I want to put on Mom's headstone. It's the last note she had written, and reads "Come and get me, I'm downstairs playing bingo". She would love it, her sense of humor was as twisted as mine. I plan to frame that note and put in in my hobby room.

Enough for today.

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