Sunday, July 7, 2013

No more

I don't see many people anymore. Mainly, my Darling Husband, medical personnel, rehab folks and my wonderful shrink.

Being ill is isolating. My world gets smaller as time passes. Thank goodness for Facebook and the Internet. It gives me access to the world that I'm unable to experience otherwise. I get to stay in touch with family and friends. 

Hopefully once the methotrexate is out of my system I will regain energy. Actually, I must regain my energy.

I refuse any more medical treatments which screws with me the way that they have done over the past couple of years. Sorry, sometimes the patient does know best. I know what happens when I take medication, my body is overly sensitive and reacts badly to most of them.

My body, my health, my decisions. Period 

No more roller coaster of side effects. I refuse to live on that carnival ride anymore. Side effects have done more to keep me down and ill than the the actual diseases have. 

Going blind is easier to handle when I'm feeling good. I have a life when I am feeling well.

The life I'm living now is no life at all. 

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