Saturday, July 6, 2013

No news is good news, I hope

Since the cardiologist did not phone me on Friday with test results, I will assume that it's all good news. Yes, I know that "assume" makes an "ass" of "u" and "me". First heard that one on Johnny Carson long ago.

Seriously, if it was bad, I would think that....
A. The Ultrasound Technician would have kept 
    me there while she and the Doctor looked at 
    the results.
B.  The Cardiologist would have had me on the 
     phone or had his office get me back in there.
C.   I'd feel even crappier than I do now.

Cannot stay asleep tonight. Dozed several times, but keep awakening. I thought of taking a sleeping pill, however, Ambien is only effective about one in three times for me. So why bother? I did take a dose of children's Benadryl. Not much help there either.  Perhaps a pot of spearmint and chamomile tea...

Before sunset I sat in the shade of the backyard, painting an old bench. The paint and brush had sat there next to it for about three weeks, waiting for me to feel better. I need to give it another coat in a day or two.

I have to do things. Even if they are simple little things and don't mean a lot. Hey, it's my little world. On Thursday I glued a piece of trim on an armoire. Earlier in the week I fixed a seam in a favorite top and re-hemmed a lovely sundress. Ironing is on the list, and my little board and supplies are on the kitchen table. Planting the five Persian Shields sitting on the covered hot tub is high on the priority list also.

My first books on origami and paper cutting arrived. If I'm forced to rest then at least my hands will have something to do.

It would be so easy to get stuck with mindless television for entertainment all day. There are a few things that I do listen to. "Love it or List it" is fun. "Duck Dynasty" makes me giggle out loud. "Survivor" is one that is fun and entertaining. What I'm really enjoying are a few science channel shows. "How the Universe Works" and "Through the Wormhole" are great to listen to. Heck, I could listen to Morgan Freeman read the phone book. His voice has a certain quality to it that makes everything sound more interesting.

The weekend promises to be quiet. We've made no plans due to my illness. I just keep remembering one job where  I had the first weekend off and then worked every weekend and holiday for the next three years. Even with little to do, I will definitely appreciate weekends at home.

How can I be so completely exhausted and not sleep well? One of those great mysteries...

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