I have a new apartment. It will be ready to move into on December 6th. I don't want to move. I especially do not want to move during the holidays, a full couple of weeks after I do my Christmas decorating. I do not want to leave my home.
I'm making lists this week. Things to take, things I will need, things I want to do and accomplish in a new home. I'm writing out a new LifePlan, a new ExercisePlan, lists of new goals and ideas. My todo list is incredibly long.
I've spent hours going through Pinterest as well as my photos, figuring out how to decorate a new environment.
Lucky me. Put the blind chick in an apartment poolside. I won't be able to see the people there. Guess I won't get lost finding it when I want to swim.
The grocery store is a mile and a half walk. I only have to cross one six-lane street, one four-lane street and a dozen or so two lane streets to get there. Shouldn't be too bad. I will need a cart to schlep my purchases. No sidewalks, so I will have to walk in the streets.
The nearest department store is five miles. Guess I will either taxi or order from amazon.com. Can't figure out any other way to shop.
Need to arrange for wifi.
Need a letter from my doctor saying that I'm disabled and need an assistance/guide/whateverthehellyoucallit dog. Otherwise, Demeter cannot go with me. She's seventeen pounds over the apartment weight limit. However, you can have two forty pound dogs. Why not one 57.5 pound dog? Stupid crap.
I told Hubby that I need a bed. The first option I was offered was the Exe's bed. Needless to say, I declined, and not politely. Then, I was offered our new bed, or having a new one purchased for me.
I'm tired, not sleeping, lots of tears. Seeing the marriage counselor. Will it help?
I'm told by the marriage counselor not to see my regular shrink while this is going on. Not fair, that's one person I need to talk to. Because the Ex goes to see him too. Why can't she get a different one? I was going there for a year before she started.
Oh yes, the remodel is in full swing. How many choices did I get? None. The upper cabinets are mounted so high that I can reach a few inches into the bottom shelves. Everything else is completely out of reach. I'm tall, but the Hubby and the Ex tower over me, so it's where they can use them. I didn't get to choose the cabinets, counters, sink, faucet, etc. Doubt I will be asked about the backsplash, lighting, carpet or new doors.
For any guys out there who are thinking about dumping their wife. The easiest way to do it is to move in another woman. Give the new woman free reign to remodel the house. Take the new woman out places with you. Don't ask the wife. Pay all of the new woman's bills. Have the wife cook for the new woman. Tell the new woman all of the details about your relationship with your wife. Spend hours every day with the new woman. Don't touch the wife. Make fun of the wife. Make the wife get rid of her things to make room for the new woman's things. Kick the wife out, but make it look mutual. Go to counseling, but be sure to say that it won't work.
Oh, have the new woman decide what she would like for dinner out of the wife's fridge. Tell the wife what time she would like to be served. Oh, and have the wife give favorite recipes to the new woman.
Just asked about ordering the new Christmas tree. Was told to go ahead, that I would take it with me. So I did. Just bought the most expensive tree I've ever seen. Don't care what it looks like, I went for the price. By god, I will enjoy it for the rest of my life.
Pissed? Think about it. Yeah, I'm pissed off.
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