Waiting for a head count for Christmas. With youngest working evening/night shift, it's not easy to make connections. Solution? Message through Facebook and wait. And wait, and wait. Eventually, he gets off work, sleeps, and checks messages.
Laundry is caught up, the house is clean. Presents are wrapped and under the tree. Now, for the wait for Christmas.
I'm watching/listening to the 49ers and the Braves play at Candlestick Park. Two minutes left, and San Francisco just pulled off a great touchdown, sending the score beyond Atlanta's reach. Great game, I love listening to football.
Soon, I will finish a bowl of chocolate ice cream, and head down the hall to bed.
I'm ready to wrap up this year and start fresh in 2014. It's been a rough year, too much loss and pain and change. '14 has to be better, if only a little.
I'm ready for my eyes to stabilize, to stop the constant deterioration of vision that occurs as I adjust to each loss. I'd love to keep at least a little sight, to not end up in total darkness. I'm tired, of trying to focus when my eyes can no longer do so. Tired of fighting wrinkles from squinting, when doing so does not work. Tired of seeing things in perfect detail in my dreams and awakening to low vision or total blindness, depending on the light level around me. Tired of not finding things, of getting burned in the kitchen, of bumping into things, of wearing bruises, of not seeing the faces of my loved ones. Tired of losing more and more of my independence as levels of sight decrease.
I want a cure. I want it now.
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