I'm much better after last week. My heart and soul were in a low place. Each time I get hit with the knowledge that I will not regain sight, that my disease cannot be cured I get so upset. The losses overwhelm me, and it takes huge effort to get through the darkness.
Been doing the holiday decorating, weeding through decades of collections and attempting to simplify. I have some to send to Mom for her retirement apartment, and boxes and bags to send to work with my husband. 2 of his employees have moved here recently and could use them for their own homes.
The house does look spectacular, I love holiday decorating. Still need to put family portraits back on the shelves, and box up the rest until January. Making plans to store my out of season clothing in some of the extra totes that are now freed up. Also, figuring out a way to have a folding area in the laundry so I'm not throwing an armload of clean clothing on a chair in the living room and dealing with it there.
Simplify, simplify, simplify. Every little bit helps. No matter how much I do though, it seems as if more is magically created in its place. It will get to a manageable place soon, I just have to keep after it steadily.
Tomorrow promises to be a good day, no place we have to go and nothing we have to do other than picking up prescriptions and bread. Just time to enjoy together.
Finally beginning medicine for the vision on Monday, hoping it will slow or stop the loss of sight. I will be saying farewell to my immune system for a long time. Not sure yet how to handle going out in public, the surgical masks aren't a fashion statement I'm liking at all. Perhaps a middle eastern type veil instead. Whatever I do for protection has to look good, no other option will work. Dreading the side effects which will come with the medication. I'm sensitive to every medication as it is. This one causes, among other things, weight gain. Bad enough I fight with the bathroom scales daily, I don't want to pack on the pounds. It's tough, but I'll make it. I'll just have to work that much harder to stay in shape.
Enough griping..... More in the morning.
And a relaxing Sunday morning it is. Three quarters of the holiday decorations are gone! Never, ever thought that it could or would happen. This really is freeing! Less to take care of, keep track of, etc. it makes me want to get after more closets and cupboards, just to see the progress.
Just out of the shower, sitting on floor pillows, sipping iced tea. Still have a few things to do around here, but not much. Mostly putting things away and changing the sheets. The rest of the day is devoted to darling Husband and football games......
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