Working on a few projects during free time. I'm lining baskets on my new etrike and looking for material to cover the seat. The weather will keep me from riding for several more days, and I really want to go ride. Soon.
Started medical treatment a week ago for my eyes. Hoping the disease robbing me of my sight can be slowed or stopped for awhile. I don't want to be in total darkness, not now, not ever. There's too much I've not yet seen. I have plans that do not include blindness. An appointment was made for 2 weeks from today to check for progress.
I spent part of yesterday working on my wardrobe, coordinating outfits and accessories. Making note of what is lacking, what I can make or alter or shop for to complete my closet.
While I can still see some I'd like to paint, paper, organize and customize our bedroom closet. That will make life easier as well as better looking.
Since the holiday season began I've spent the majority of my time in the living room. The decorations are so beautiful, it makes everything so cozy and welcoming. Knowing that this is the best I'll be able to see, I want to tuck each tiny detail to memory.Years from now I will know exactly how things appeared this Christmas. I will truly miss seeing holiday decor.
This past week when I have been unable to sleep I've spent the time sewing. Two pieces of lovely fabric are now infinity cowls. Both are gold, incredibly soft and very welcome additions to my wardrobe.
Not sleeping much has been an issue lately, medicine changes have caused my sense of day and night to wobble around. I rest and look at the decorations.
There are some projects to do now and others for when the weather cooperates. I like having things to do. To know that the house is completely done will be a relief, that there will be loveliness around us, that our home reflects who we are and what we enjoy.
Okay I'm tired.
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