Thanks to my occupational therapy lady I'm able to cook again. Still sticking with fairly simple things, but I am more confident than I have been in a long time.
Tonight I made meatballs in brown gravy, buttered potatoes, and French style green beans seasoned with bacon, butter and onions. I heated breadsticks that I had in the freezer. It turned out very well, and I'm so pleased to have learned new skills which give me back the ability to cook again.
The new pipes for the bathrooms are laying in the hallway. The main bathroom's floor is completely gone. The master bath can be replumbed without tearing up the floor. The work on that part can all be accessed from the main bath crawl space.
I'm using travel size shampoos and soaps. I forgot to grab the full sized ones from the main bath while the floor was still in place. The printing is too small to make out even with a magnifying glass, so I have to guess which is shampoo and which is conditioner.
Hoping the bathrooms will be done by the weekend. I'd love to soak in the tub..... Part of being female, having bubbles, music, candles and a drink in the tub. There is something to decadent about lounging in the tub for an hour or two.
When my daughter was working two jobs she would soak in the tub with a good book until the water got cool, then she would get out and freshen her drink while refilling the tub and get back in for another hour or so. It was her favorite time of day.
Enough for now......
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