Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Minor Setback and Company

Minor setback over the last few days. Just the arthritis monster attacking every bone I've ever broken as well as the joints severely damaged when I took a flying lesson from a '78 Impala. Did the airborne portion beautifully, failed the landing. Have had few pain free days since May of 2001. It awakens me several times nightly. Advil and Tylenol are a joke, not even taking the edge off most days. So, now I'm worn out, but hurt too much to sleep. 

Once again, I have cancelled everything for the time being. The body needs rest and very gentle exercise. I'm off the treadmill until I feel better. My exercise now consists of using the exercise ball and a pair of hand weight. That will be the least amount of stress for now.

The sun felt like an ice pick stabbing behind my left eyeball when we went out earlier. That's with a pair of blackout glasses and a wide brimmed hat on. 

My youngest stepson arrived here from California today. It's always so good to see him. He is the kind of young man that anyone would proud to be the parent of. He welcomed me into the family and made me part of his life. 

Darling Husband and I raised great children. We are really blessed to have them. I am honored to have them in my life.

Enough for now......

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