Wednesday, September 12, 2012

'another day came and went

The end of another day is here. My back is healing, slowly but surely, and I'm extremely grateful. Ready to feel as normal as possible again. There are things I want and need to do.

Time is such a gift, and easily taken for granted. I want to spend mine laughing, playing and having fun. I don't want to regret not enjoying myself as much as possible.

The state fair begins tomorrow. This will be my first one ever to go to, and I'm really excited. I want to see exhibits, ride the carousel, and eat weird stuff like fried snickers bars. I also want to people watch as much as I am able to.

On Friday my Grandma will turn 90.  She's old and frail, has heart failure and Alzheimer's, but she won't slow down. I get a real kick out of her. My Aunt will pick Grandma up and take her out to get her hair done, run errands and eat. Then, after my Aunt brings everything in, unloads it all and puts it away she leaves. As soon as she's gone Grandma will get in her car and go back to the same shopping centers and stores by herself to shop more. She just cracks me up.
Hope I have the same gumption when I'm that old.
Not much else for tonight, I'm tired and ready for sleep.

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