Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rainy Wednesday

And, once again it's Wednesday evening. My chair is next to the TV so I can watch Survivor. Did not get a lot done today. Errands, a trip to see a new doctor, laundry and kitchen cleaning were all I could handle. At this rate Fall Housecleaning may not begin until January.

My new trike arrived yesterday, about an hour after the email saying it had been shipped arrived. I got to ride it last night after my Husband put it all together for me. Today I bought some locks for it so that I can park it and go into stores without worrying about it being stolen. Hopefully, the new basket will arrive in the next few days.

I look forward to tomorrow, the rain will make everything seem fresh and new. I need to clean off the patios in the morning, the recent winds have stripped the next door neighbor's tree and deposited it at our house.

Have not been outside enough in awhile. Wearing a hat, sunglasses and covering from head to toe (thank you medicines for making me unable to be exposed to sunlight) is difficult in hot weather. Tonight it is raining, the thunder has rumbled continuously for the past hour. Sounds lovely, there is something about nighttime storms that is so appealing. The rain, bolts of lightning and the thunder make being in a cozy home wonderful. I call it "cocoa weather".

Tomorrow will be here soon enough, so I'd better wind down. Will be trying new nighttime lotions on my face before bed, hoping that they will restore that look of being under 21 (okay, under 30) that the ads tempt every woman with crows feet around their eyes with. Here's to waking up decades younger...........

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