Friday begins with 10 hours of sleep followed by more exhaustion. The snooze button on the alarm for my morning pills has been hit many times. I'm too tired to take them, maybe hitting the button a few more times will do the trick.
The hardcore exhaustion has hit again, not quite as bad as last week, but pretty hard. There is so much to do. I'm trying to accept that not everything can or will be done on my timetable, or even at all, but it's truly aggravating.
So, I was talking to my shrink yesterday, and then later to Darling Husband, and the big question keeps coming up. What about my quality of life on this medication? Finally, they are the ones asking. Now they are getting it.
Where exactly is my quality of life? Parked on the sofa? Watching my hair fall out? Too tired to shampoo and shave at the same time in the tub, it's one or the other, not both.
One thing I do not talk about is loss of libido.
I was on cymbalta for months, getting the dose tweaked periodically because libido kept going down until it was gone. Finally had to go off of it because of that. That is something no one should ever be without for any reason. Then, a couple of weeks later I began the methotrexate. Well, guess freakin' what? It lowers libido too.
I have no libido, none. I read books that are rather steamy. Nothing. I'm criticizing grammar and writing styles. Pathetic.
It's drug induced, I know that, and I am furious about it.
Why not tell patients about this before prescribing these medications? Doesn't anyone think that people should be informed about these things and have the opportunity to decide for themselves if it's something that they are alright with?
That's another quality of life item. Whether you are an everyday, twice weekly or even monthly type of person, it's a huge thing. It Matters! When it's you, no matter how, or how often, It Matters.
Methotrexate causes depression in a lot of folks.
Well, let me tell you why. You're stuck on the sofa, too exhausted for anything. Your hair is falling out. There is no enjoyment of anything remotely physical. If you add in the lowered immune system which keeps you from taking part in life and staying covered up anytime the sun is above the horizon, is it any wonder you get depressed? Now, try taking care of a home, and children, And working. Many on these drugs do some or all of those things. What woman wants to watch her home go to hell because she's too exhausted to take care of it?
This is so the disease may slow down. So I can watch the blurs from the blurry sofa. So my 12x mirror can show my scalp more and more daily.
Where exactly is my quality of life? I will tell you where it is not. Here.....
And I'm supposed to be on it for 6 months?!!!
Time to ReVisit this one......