Thursday, August 9, 2012

Another great day, with medicine changes taking effect I'm really not feeling up to much lately, so Arthur came over to do laundry and keep me company. It bothers me to not feel well, but as long as the housework is kept up with I cope. Managed to cook without burning myself, and now have to wait until the sun goes down far enough to be blocked by the house behind us so I can clean up the kitchen. Sunlight blinds me to the point where everything is like an overexposed photograph, all whited out with faint lines. Dark sunglasses and hats help somewhat when I'm outdoors, but not enough. I'd probably be better off living a schedule where I sleep during the day and stay up all night. Night blindness makes that option tough. What I need is an overcast world. No darkness or bright light would make it easier to see.
We redecorated the house last year. Ripping down panelling and wallpaper had to be done in every room. The kitchen had 3 layers of panelling in it with layers of vinyl glued between each one. Each room is painted with high contrast on the doors and trim. We also changed all of the lights to ones that are easier for me to see with. Now I no longer run into walls and doors because I can see them. If the doctors could do something about the dizziness that plagues me then I wouldn't fall or run into things anymore. All of the stairs are marked so I can see the edges. Amazing the difference that paint makes.
Last week one of the eye specialists asked me how I manage to get around the house. With stairs, trim and appliances marked I do better than I used to.  My backyard is completely fenced, the front yard has driveways on two sides and the yard slopes down to the street. I can't get lost at home, so I feel pretty secure here. I have landmarks, too. Places where the heat pours in the afternoons from the sun hitting the brick walls. My rose garden is easily located by the smell, I locate my willow tree by the noise that the leaves make. The peach tree is always noisy with birdsong from the birdfeeder hanging in it. Unfortunately, I tend to frequently whack my head on the same birdfeeder. Small things, but each one familiar to me. 

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