Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Returning to what passes for normalcy.

After months of chaos, we're ready to settle down and have a normal life again. To work, to enjoy gardening rather than rushing through it so we can go do other things. It has been months since we sat on the patio during the evening, just chatting and listening to the birds and crickets. We're overdue to watch the sunset. I can still see the colors of it, and want to see as many of them as I can. Don't really care about the sunrises, after years of having to be an early bird I've seen enough of them.
Tomorrow I will once again begin using Brocante Home's "Trash It Or Treasure It". Weeding through decades of things accumulated while raising a family is a big job. Item by item going through drawers, closets and cupboards I find more things with each pass. I keep children's books for the grandchildren, but other children's things are being let go to find new homes.
My life needs to be simplified, less to keep track of and less to clean. I don't want to be owned by my things, to spend my life caring for things that are no longer useful. The time freed up by letting things go is time I can spend doing what I want to do. Working over 60 hours a week for years I would dream of what I would and could do once there was time. Time is a gift to me, and, while going blind has really screwed with the plans I had made for the time I would someday have, I will not waste the time I have. There is a notebook with lists of things I can do, of things I'd like to do, of things I'd like to learn, places I'd like to see. I work also in that notebook on laying out the kind of life that I want to live, what my life will become during the decades to come. The kind of person that I want to become. I write down ideas of the way I want to dress and look, defining my style. I write down ideas for classes I want to take, several already downloaded and begun, others found on websites and noted for the future. My husband will retire in a few years and I want things in place so that we can have fun, traveling and having adventures when the mood strikes. So much to get lined out and put into place while I still have a little bit of sight. It will keep me busy for quite some time. I plan to live the life I dream of, to celebrate every day, to play, to laugh. Actually to have a happy childhood, one that began when I turned 50. It's going to be great......

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