Thursday, January 17, 2013

Getting Things Done

As it turns out the wallpaper was not prepasted, so there I was trying to hunt the ingredients to make wallpaper paste this morning. Not certain that I did it right, but it stayed up. The custom shelves are in place and clothing and shoes have been put away. There is now two and a half times the hanging space in the closet. It looks great!

The hobby room is about half done, returning the clothing to our bedroom closet was a large portion of the mess. I made space in the hobby room closet for formal wear and extra fabric that is for purse making. There's not a lot of either so that was fairly easy. The shelves were rearranged in order to gain more floor space. A full length mirror will be hung upon the wall. 

I'll be able to begin organizing my clothing and getting it labelled. Once that is done I'll be able to dress nicely whether or not I can see the clothing and accessories. There are some hats and purses to be embellished to complete my wardrobe and possibly some shoes.

We grocery shopped at Braum's this evening. Simple, small and everything tastes great. The huge variety of ice creams that they sell could make me fat in a hurry. Tonight I'm snacking on some of their green seedless grapes.

My guest ended up with the flu courtesy of one of my great nephews, her grandson. She's staying home in bed. Pity, I've had my flu shot and would happily feed her chicken soup until she's better. Now to change weekend plans since I will not have any company.

The hobby room is almost finished. I've greatly increased the floor space and the mirror is in place. Tomorrow I'll begin photographing all of my clothing, shoes and accessories. Huge project, there's nothing like emptying the closet completely to give an idea of the quantities one owns.

Enough for tonight.

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