Monday, January 21, 2013


Enjoying retirement and figuring out what to do with it is interesting. There are so many things to do and try, places to go, experiences to have.  Opportunities are available that are only dreams when you're busy working and raising a family. Hard to figure out which place, thing or idea to do first.

The biggest thing available is free time. Even though I spent my first two years sick, dizzy enough to fall and run into things. Then there was the vertigo keeping me flat on the floor every day. After all, you can't fall off the floor.
I still had available time. Time to remodel the house while I could make out enough details to choose materials to make our home beautiful. Time to learn with a few online classes where the print could be made huge and lectures could be listened to on the computer. Time to begin adapting our home to make it usable. Raised bumps mark canisters and appliances. Time to organize and simplify our home. Time to go through my possessions gathered over a period of decades several times and decide which ones enhance my life and which were ready to pass on in one form or another. Time to adjust to greatly diminishing sight as it occurs, to learn new ways to do things with each change of sight and colors. Time to figure out what hobbies I can still do, which activities I can take part in and how to still do. Time to learn to do my hair and makeup, organize my wardrobe, to find resources like computer text enlargers and readers, iPad and iPhone apps to read money denominations and identify colors. Time to memorize faces of loved ones, time to fill my eyes and soul with everything that I possibly can. Just time, so precious to me.

I've been up since yesterday afternoon. Worked on ironing, sorting and organizing scarves and pashminas while Darling Husband slept. Once he left for work at 4:30 this morning I vacuumed the house. When I wash one more load of clothing and unload the dishwasher, most of my chores will be done until Wednesday or Thursday. That means I can get more projects done over the next couple of days. 

A week and a half left of steroids. Thank goodness! I'm ready for it to be out of my system so my sleep habits can hopefully get back to semi normal. Just sleeping more than 25 to 30 hours a week would be wonderful.

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