Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday updates

Once again I explore and consult the web as I finalize plans for our bedroom closet. Wandering amongst the beauty and unique solutions offered by Pinterest, etsy and google, I am still doing the final tweaking of closet setups. Would love to blow out the wall between our closet and the office one which backs onto it. That project is beyond my capabilities at this time. 

The garage is much neater, just needs some light rearranging to increase function. In my mind I know where I want everything, and already have sliders under the heavy items.  Having a carpeted garage is really nice, easy on the feet and legs, and warmer than bare cement.

Doctors visits each of the next three days. Hopefully that will be all for while. While I love to get out and go places, doctors offices do not count. Today we did go to the pharmacy. Darling Husband stood in the RX line for more than 20 minutes while I wandered with a shopping cart. Found taper candles on clearance for a quarter each and stocked up on pepto bismal and band aids.

My youngest, Arthur, came over for a few hours to visit. He had just left a job interview and I have my fingers crossed for him. It's not easy for returning veterans, and his coming back to Oklahoma from Afghanistan has been rough. I had sold our home while he was gone and now live in the city. He was pretty much raised a country boy. There are adjustments for him.

Darling Husband's ex wife and granddaughter came over too. We all sat around eating pizza and breadsticks. His ex is also my hairdresser and she takes care of not just my hair but also is my go to person for makeup and styling tips. Special lady, I just love her. Little Leighton is growing rapidly, 17 months old, with the most lovely smile I've seen in a baby. She was fascinated by Demeter and watched her during most of their visit.

Later this week one of my closest friends will be here for a couple of days. I'll get the guest apartment in order, and goodies stocked in the fridge. I'm looking forward to seeing her, we always have such an amazing time together.

I talked to Mom over the weekend and let her know that I would be sending her some wigs this week. I have already sent her hats and scarves and a book on wearing and tying hijabs, the lovely muslim headscarves. Losing her hair due to chemo has been hard on her, and she is really enjoying having ways to wear headscarves that are beautiful. It makes me happy to send her things, especially things that add beauty to her life and make her feel pretty. Going through chemo is hard on a women's self esteem, it makes changes to her that are beyond her control. Her body and her appearance are different. Feeling good doesn't just happen. New clothes and accessories will not cure her, but it will hopefully make her feel lovely, and that can help. Mom has beautiful brown eyes that the scarves will bring out, and I'd love to go see her in them.

Tired and wrapping it up for the night.

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