Darling Husband asked her about what kind of time I will still have to see, but there just aren't any answers. Doctor Larsen hopes I'll be able to keep some sight, but told us that treatment won't let me regain sight. Disappointing, but I already knew that from researching autoimmune retinopathy, so hearing it wasn't a crushing blow. I know it hurt DH to hear it, not just from me, but from a doctor who has seen other cases of it.
So, that's how the weekend begins. I'm ready to spend some more time researching those drugs, not today or tomorrow, sometime in the next couple of weeks will be soon enough. Since I have three weeks before the specialist and I meet again I will have other things to occupy my mind and body.
Tomorrow the temps will be in the 70's so I will get out and ride the new electric trike. I'm so looking forward to it, nice weather and sunshine. It's been awhile since I've been out, and a few weeks since I got to try out the trike. Today we're putting reflectors on it and switching baskets from the other trike. Gotta have more room to haul purchases, and the rear basket we just installed is more than twice the size of the one which came with it.
This weekend I'll finish stripping out our closet and begin painting on Monday. Some wallpaper in selective spots and custom rods will take another day or so. By Wednesday it should be finished and back in order. One closet down, and three more to go. Not bad. Progress is always great. Steroids giving me oodles of energy mean I'm not sleeping and spring housecleaning is almost done.
Other than riding this weekend I don't know what we'll do. With Sunday being weathercrappy, (yes, I made up that word and I like it and it's staying) any outdoor fun will be a Saturday thing. I am feeling cooped up again, winter and bright sunlight conspire to keep me indoors.
I ran across a photo of my no longer mine beloved Subaru. How I miss driving, getting behind the wheel, elbowing the dog away from the gear stick and just going. I got my driver's license on my 16th birthday, and drove ever since. Took for granted being able to drive. With a shattered right leg and broken left wrist, in 2001, I'd crawl in from the passenger side, hip to ankle cast across the center console, driving with my left foot. Walker tugged into the car behind me, I still went anywhere I wanted to. Now, there's no more driving at all, a trike is as close as I'll get to that freedom. Loss of freedom is never easy, and I keep looking for positives with this one. No insurance to go up, no tickets, no car payments, no maintenance, no worry about gas prices. Still, I'd rather drive.
Enough for now, steroids are making me get up and clean something.....
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